Our Pride
Labour Relations and Welfare Award 2021
The Supreme Excellent Practices Establishment on Labour Relations and Welfare Award 2021, as the 16th year of achievement (Prabuddhabaht plant), awarded by the Department of Labour Protection and Welfare, Ministry of Labour
Labour Relations and Welfare Award 2021
The Excellent Practices Establishment on Labour Relations and Welfare Award 2021, as the 11th year of achievement (Kangkoi plant), awarded by the Department of Labour Protection and Welfare, Ministry of Labour
Green Industry Award 2020
Green Industry Level 3 (Green System) Award (Tubkwang quarry, Mineral Dressing, Kangkoi and Prabuddhabaht plant) for systematic environmental management with monitoring, evaluation and review for continuous development (issued on 24 December 2020, effective until 23 December 2023)
CSR-DPIM Continuous Award 2020
CSR-DPIM Continuous Award 2020 for the organization with excellent operation under the corporate social responsibility standard of the Department of Primary Industries and Mines, Ministry of Industry
Green Mining Award 2020
Green Mining Award 2020 under the category of “Mining and Mineral Dressing Plant”, awarded by the Department of Primary Industries and Mines, Ministry of Industry
Labour Relations and Welfare Award 2020
"Excellent Practices Establishment on Labour Relations and Welfare Award, 15th consecutive years 2006-2020 (Prabuddhabaht plant), awarded by the Department of Labour Protection and Welfare, Ministry of Labour"
Labour Relations and Welfare Award 2020
"The Excellent Practices Establishment on Labour Relations and Welfare Award , 10th consecutive years 2006-2020 (Kangkoi plant), awarded by the Department of Labour Protection and Welfare, Ministry of Labour"
CSR-DPIM Continuous Award 2019
CSR-DPIM Continuous Award 2019 for the organization with continuous corporate social responsibility, under the category of “Mineral Dressing Plant”